HomeEvents from May 22 - November 18

Hazardous Container and Vessel Identification

Lebanon County Emergency Operations Center - CCB 400 S 8th street room 12, Lebanon, PA, United States

Hazardous Container and Vessel Identification This class is hosted by the Lebanon County Special Operations. Cost $25 (Outside Agencies and Non-SCTF Members) Free (Inner Agencies and SCTF Members) The overriding...


Hazardous Materials First Responder Awareness (PSFA-RIHM)

Lebanon County Emergency Operations Center - CCB 400 S 8th street room 12, Lebanon, PA, United States

This 4-hour course is designed for individuals likely to witness or discover a hazardous materials release and who have not been trained to take any action beyond notifying proper authorities....


PA-PEMA: G393 Mitigation for Emergency Managers

LCDES 1805 Cornwall Road, Lebanon, PA, United States

This course is designed to enable the non-technical emergency worker to acquire skills in the use of mitigation. The course provides training in how to perform mitigation activities fundamental to...

21st Century Narcotics Investigations

LCDES 1805 Cornwall Road, Lebanon, PA, United States

21st Century Narcotics Investigations" aims to equip detectives and narcotics investigators with comprehensive knowledge of their legal authority and the available tools crucial for effective narcotics investigations. Register at www.21stCIT.com


C-MERRTT (Compressed Modular Response Radiological Transportation Training)

LCDES 1805 Cornwall Road, Lebanon, PA, United States

Compressed Modular Emergency Response Radiological Transportation Training (CMERRTT): The course consists of eight 30-minute modules and four hands-on practical exercises, providing a comprehensive review to ensure an understanding of radioactive...


Mariner Emergency Response Outreach

LCDES 1805 Cornwall Road, Lebanon, PA, United States

Pipeline emergency response training for first responders in municipalities traversed by the Mariner pipeline. Presented by Gregory G. Noll, CSP, CEM Tuition: Free RSVP below


Human Trafficking Awareness for Law Enforcement

LCDES 1805 Cornwall Road, Lebanon, PA, United States

Presented by Pennsylvania State Police - Pennsylvania Criminal Intelligence Center (PaCIC) "Human trafficking" is defined as the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their...


Human Trafficking Awareness for Public Safety and Social Services

LCDES 1805 Cornwall Road, Lebanon, PA, United States

Presented by Pennsylvania State Police - Pennsylvania Criminal Intelligence Center (PaCIC) "Human trafficking" is defined as the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their...


Standardized Field Sobriety Testing *Refresher

LCDES 1805 Cornwall Road, Lebanon, PA, United States

SFST update training for Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Officers. Presented by PA DUI Association Course price: Free REGISTER HERE Hosted by the Lebanon County District Attorney's Office - Lebanon County Detective...

Sobriety Checkpoint Training *Refresher

LCDES 1805 Cornwall Road, Lebanon, PA, United States

Training required for Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Officers to conduct sobriety checkpoints. Presented by Pennsylvania DUI Association Course price: Free REGISTER HERE Hosted by the Lebanon County District Attorney's Office -...

Traffic Patrol/Drug Interdiction

LCDES 1805 Cornwall Road, Lebanon, PA, United States

This workshop trains police officers to detect, investigate and arrest those persons who are trafficking illegal drugs and drug money upon the highways. This program is designed for the patrol...

+1 717 272 7621
FAX: 717 274 1486

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