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Report Writing and Case Preparation for the Law Enforcement Professional

October 10 @ 8:00 am 4:30 pm

Please note date change to October 10, 2025

This course provides law enforcement professionals with the necessary tools for composing a proper police narrative as it pertains to the DUI arrest. We will examine the case preparation process and look at specific aspects of presenting a DUI case at trial. Successful prosecution of these cases hinges not only on proper note taking and report preparation but also on preparedness and proper presentation at trial. Topics covered include: vital elements of a professional police report, proper grammar and punctuation, and common report writing mistakes. Although this course is geared toward successful DUI prosecution, the instruction provided is applicable across a wide range of investigatory narratives. Both new and seasoned officers will benefit from the course as it provides a primer for new members of law enforcement and a refresher for seasoned officers who would benefit from additional instruction in this area. This course will be an interactive course. It is designed for students to actively participate through discussion, verbal exercises, written exercises, and the preparation of a DUI report.

Course price: Free

*Complete enrollment form and email directly to ILEE.

1805 Cornwall Road
Lebanon, PA 17042 United States
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+1 717 272 7621
FAX: 717 274 1486

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Lebanon County Department of Emergency Services.

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