A Code Blue Alert is issued when winter weather conditions are predicted to present a higher-than-normal safety risk.
During a Code Blue Alert, individuals and families who are homeless are encouraged to contact the entities below for assistance in finding temporary overnight accommodations.
Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Lebanon County Community Action Partnership
220 E Lehman St,
Lebanon, PA 17046
All other hours
Lebanon County Crisis Intervention
209 Hathaway Park,
Lebanon, PA 17042
A Code Blue Alert is issued when the weather conditions meet any of the criteria below, during which time the risk of severe or life-threatening exposure-related injuries is significantly higher than normal.
The Code Blue Alert initiative went live in Lebanon County on February 2nd, 2023. The intent of the Code Blue Alert is to notify individuals and stakeholders of a winter weather event with the potential to cause significant harm to homeless individuals and families. During the Code Blue Alert, local organizations may modify internal processes and procedures to make sure that temporary overnight accommodations are available to those in need.
The criteria for a Code Blue Alert are set in collaboration with Lebanon County Crisis, Lebanon County Christian Ministries, Lebanon County Rescue Mission, Lebanon County Community Action Partnership, and Lebanon County Department of Emergency Services. These criteria will be periodically evaluated and may be adjusted as necessary.
The Lebanon County Department of Emergencies Services monitors weather conditions and issues alerts when the Code Blue Alert criteria are met. The shelters and services available during a Code Blue Alert are not affiliated with the Lebanon County Department Emergency Services. This is a notification only and does not indicate any changes or formal actions at the County Government Level. There may be times when this notification will be issued in conjunction with disaster declarations, snow emergency declarations, or official weather warnings, however, it should be noted that this notification is completely independent.