Lebanon County Burn Ban




Due to significant shifts in weather conditions resulting in both a current and forecasted continued low risk of wildfires, the Lebanon County Commissioners have lifted the temporary burn ban effective immediately.

Lebanon County Department of Emergency Services would like to remind everyone that even though the burn ban is being lifted, steps should still be taken to ensure outdoor fires are always safe and controlled.

  • Never leave a fire unattended.
  • If you must use fireworks, make sure you do so in a responsible manner.
  • Keep other combustible materials far away from outdoor fires.  FEMA recommends a 25-foot safety zone around the fire.
  • Aways be aware of embers or sparks leaving the fire.
  • Keep a close eye on the daily wildfire danger maps and adjust your outdoor fire-related activities accordingly.  Maps can be found at
  • Make sure you know the local laws governing outdoor burning, including municipal-level ordinances.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a burn ban?

A burn ban is a legal restriction on outdoor burning. During dry weather conditions that pose fire danger, officials put them into effect to protect public safety and the environment.

Who can legally put a burn ban into effect?

Local elected officials can legally enact burn bans. In Pennsylvania, bans are initiated at the request of the District Fire Warden or Forester. Upon their request, countywide fire department chiefs are surveyed. If more than 50% of fire chiefs recommend a ban be imposed, the local elected officials may enact a ban.

Why are burn bans needed?

Burning restrictions are incredibly important to reduce the risk of wildfires that may spread to our communities, burning down homes, destroying personal property, and endangering the lives of citizens. The smoke from wildfires can also be a significant air pollutant, which has the potential to have significant short- and long-term health effects.

What happens if I violate a burn ban?

Violations of the burn ban can result in fines as defined in Lebanon County Ordinance 6-6-2023.  Additionally, individuals who violate the burn ban may be liable for any damage caused by the fire, including the cost of the response to extinguish the fire.

Are fireworks prohibited during a burn ban?

Yes. The ban defines open burning as “the ignition and subsequent burning of any combustible material out-of-doors either in a burn barrel or on the ground.”

Are all campfires banned?

No, but the only exceptions are campfires within a designated state, federal, or Department of Environmental Protection licensed campground in fire rings that contain the campfire.

Are backyard fire pits banned?


Does the burn ban have an expiration date?

Yes, the ban is in effect for 30 days from being enacted. If significant rainfall occurs, the ban can be reconsidered.
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